
Man is certainly not born, but made man. (Erasmus)

It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. (Mark Twain)

Fixation exists across all levels of the biological hierarchy, from cells to behavior, and therefore constitutes a fundamental variable in all life. Fixations are an obsessive preoccupation with a single idea, impulse, or aim which interferes with normal behavior. In Freud, the id attaches to an object, leading to fetishism.


It is fundamental to human society; before capitalism as religious rituals, in our secular age, culminating in commodity fetishism, a fixation essential to capitalism, an economy defined by consumption. Where advertising is a form of behavioral conditioning, everybody will be perfectly pacified as long as their needs and wants are conflated in their own minds. No strife, no angst.


The most fundamental fixation of all is the male-female mutual sexual fixation,

sex as the ultimate ritual behavior fundamental to the continuation of life, balancing the aggressive, strong, assertive male with the yielding, weaker, nurturing female.


Is it possible that gay liberation, Stonewall ('1969 and All That'), is a huge mistake? That, rather than liberation of something, it was/is just the culmination of capital's theft of our very soul, first as slavery, then as wage slavery, now turning men into eunuchs and women into men, so as to ensure the maximum penetration of the now androgynous human animal, as truly isolated individuals? Unable/ uninterested to cathect as intended, man and woman, uniting the masculine and feminine in a sacred family bond?


Hogwash! Who needs messy families, full of spousal and child abuse. We are liberated through 'live and let live' plus technology. We can produce babies in test tubes even for gays, AI can babysit, and individuals can grow into uniformly healthy citizens, shaped to fit society. Some will be 'gay' (happy?), but that's just the way nature made us. There's room for all sexual variations at the banquet of life.


Which is the hogwash? Until recently, all monotheisms, all religions disapproved of homosexuality. Suddenly, after 100,000+ years, the family is optional, as is male-female sexual union. Homosexuality, now officially happy (sorry, gay), is an honored exhibit in the floral arrangement of humanity. Children don't really need fathers and mothers, just a birthing parent and maybe a non-gestational or non-birthing parent or two. Divorce is no problem. Most marriages now end in divorce anyway, and the marriage rate is falling, though gay marriages are increasing. 0.5% of US households were gay as of 2021.


But what if this is more like signs of the end times rather than the perfection of man's ascent from ape? Yes, most marriages now end in divorces, which are ugly, traumatic for all concerned, and produce neurotic, unhappy children. Religions frown on them at best. Where are the children's right to a mother and father? Turning the father into an unimportant, even unnecessary, 'non-gestational' entity is the key to why all this is horribly wrong, criminal, the ultimate form of child abuse.


Using normal words, the father is essential to the creation of whole, healthy men. If he is absent or hostile, not bonding with his offspring very early, age 3 max, then just as a child will never learn to speak if he doesn't have parents 24/7 speaking and listening to him for the first 3 years, so the boy who never makes the break with mommy by bonding with a loving father figure, will never become a man. He will be stuck identifying with mommy dear, never maturing beyond self-love, narcissism. In short, he will be homosexual and neurotic (they come as a package of bad parenting).


The importance of the father is clear in Freud, Adler, Jung, Erikson, who identified homosexuality as a pathological state arising from bad parenting. Research into homosexuality began in earnest in the late 19th c, explaining it in roughly that way, using Oedipal, id terminology – overbearing mother, absent, weak or autocratic father. Freud was pessimistic about curing anyone of anything, including homosexuality. A failed Oedipal complex and narcissism: 'the man looks for love in someone he himself would like to be. This is impoverished love, where the man worships the man who possesses excellences he himself never had.'i


The narcissistic pregay boy has a false knowledge of the self, i.e., you can have your own way through the other person (mother, then by manipulating father/ men). The mother harms herself too by creating a pregay son who unconsciously despises her, 'adoring contempt' for holding him captive.ii Which means the son's future sex is always based on contempt. The son sees his sad mother and feels sorry, consoles her. He has his greatest love affair at the beginning of life. Sex for him is an endless search for a father to connect with, like mommy did. The most subtle and destructive child abuse. He short circuits his entire love life.


What makes a boy wake up one day and find he is an alien? His boy friends fall away, and girls are like another species? How did 'his wires get crossed'? as Tab Hunter explained his own condition. I finally stumbled on the 'good' reparative work done in 1950s-80s, iiiwhich was shut down by gaylib as it gathered steam. Ironically, just as AIDS was bursting onto the scene, the perfect argument for avoiding the gay lifestyle of lots of one-night-stands until … you die. What a sad life to live. It sounds hokey and unfair, but celibacy really is the best lifestyle if you aren't able to have normal sex. The Catholic 'love the sinner not the sin'.iv Easier said than done.


Aesthetic realism vs gay lifestyle


Aesthetic realism, seeing unity of opposites as fundamental to life, much like fixation, was developed by literary critic Eli Siegel in the 1920s-30s and was adapted to successfully treating homosexuality. It sees homosexuality as aesthetic disharmony, where male-male is like two magnets with positive ends trying to unite. It is possible, but requires much energy and is unstable, as is the history of sexual union of two males, which even under the best conditions inevitably leads to promiscuity and a weak unity, easily broken. Unaesthetic.

Siegel's insight into the unity of nature, self and art allows us to look at all aspects of life, including good vs bad patriarchy, world politics in a new light. This approach downplays trying to wrestle with childhood trauma as opposed to Nicolosi's psychoanalytic method, which puts the emphasis on the mother-father-son relation in early infancy as key. A kind of soulful behaviorism.

Do you choose to be homosexual? No. Do you choose to be gay? Yes. Gay really is a lifestyle, a choice to act out on homosexual impulses. Most gays (who knows?) remain 'in the closet', unconvinced by the public images of gaydom – marriage, adopting or otherwise birthing 'children', gay-friendly Christianity and Judaism (not Islam), universities full of gay&women's studies, tons of gay-positive 'scholarship' and literature/ films, gay&str8 alliances in schools promoting gay as a healthy option in life, even drag queens with little children in library basements on Saturday mornings telling stories. The nongays do not identify with this, and keep their self-styled shameful acts out of sight. Shameful in the sense of self-destructive, i.e., 'good' shame.


Homosexuality is in fact a developmental disorder, the lack of separation from the mother, the first love object, failure to internalize male gender-identity. And not only alienation from father, but male peers in childhood. The father is absent, weak. The boy alone, with only mommy's love (and maybe the kinky older boy down the street). When a boy develops normally, there is a gap in his psyche when he physically must separate from his mother. Who will he become? It should be filled by a loving, strong father. The boy decides he wants to grow up like dad.


The prehomosexual boy never experiences this gap, when he is forced by his own developmental needs to shift his love from the mother to the father, identifying with him (and his penis), rather than her (and her lack-of-penis). He overcomes his castration anxiety by accepting the castration, filling the gap with himself and then others like himself. He desexualizes his mother's body so as to avoid the anxiety of his mental vs physical castration (hence the abhorrence of women's bodies). He despises his penis, denies it as incongruent with his autonomous mental self- image. Imagine: you are disgusted by the mother you identify with and attracted to the feared, distant, castrating father. Cognitive dissonance in spades.


Most 'gay' boys are born normal but never cathect with a strong male figure, be it father, uncle, mentor, during that crucial developmental window.v The only woman for gays is their mother. The rest are frightening, alien. The brain has to accommodate the sex drive, and the mother (all women) are off limits, which leaves generic men as the love-object, symbolic penetrator of the mother and son. Hence the promiscuous, anti-social lifestyle of 'gays', a symptom of arrested development, a dis-ease not just of homosexuals in our age of narcissism.


Heterosexuality strives for union of male and female. In homosexuality, one man strives to fill the deficit in wholeness with one's original gender. Each is symbolically and sexually attempting to find fulfillment of gender in the other person. This intimacy, found so casually now via grindr or just late night cruising, is inevitably shallow, fruitless.


The best result for gays is when infatuation ends, you become long term friends. But it is more like a truce. Researchers were unable to find a single male couple that was able to maintain sexual fidelity (monogamy is key to human development phylo and onto) for more than five years. Most relationships last two years. What makes the best of them work is a lack of possessiveness. But such couples are derisively labelled 'f--k buddies'. Infidelity is never associated with maturity, even among gays.


The supposed up-tick in the number of Americans calling themselves gay is a symptom of dysfunctional families. Stats on such families are hard to come by. It is estimated that incest afflicts 10% of families, which includes all forms of sex. Childhood abuse is especially rampant in large families and together with bad parenting, produces that statistical blur pushing past even 5%. You are resolving your illusory interpretation of reality with a perverse sex life. You can still find other defectors and have scarred, flawed love. Make do without dealing with the underlying dis-ease.


 And the poor homo schmoe? He has no understanding why he likes the wrong sex. A man is not just genes. He must be shaped within the family by bonding with the father. The parents, having no understanding that they produced this monstrosity (but who else was at the site of the crime?), reject, punish the now neurotic offspring or outright disown him. Wow. What worse could possibly happen to the boy, who is doomed to live this grey half-life until he dies (probably young, as life expectancy of gays is considerably lower than their hetero peers? So much for gaylib ideology of equality (or even superiority, as befits a self-inflating narcissistic tribe).


 In your teens, unless you have a great mentor psychoanalyst, lots of will, hope, it's already too late, as testosterone has just sent your sex drive into overdrive. A recipe for disaster, personal, family, friends. It may be just some fleeting horsing around with other still unfocused friends, but in adulthood, you're on your own, literally. You can find comfort, relief with other gays, but there's no chance of a normal family life or straight friends. You can live abroad where brown, yellow or black provides some exotic frisson, but you are still marginal.


Personal = political


Anthropological studies confirm all this. In New Guinea there is even a tribe, the Sambia, where early adolescent boys fellate the older boys as part of a complex, perilous initiation, which basically recaps the transition from maternal unconditional love to mature father love, the younger boys ritualistically/ symbolically absorbing the mature masculinity of the older boys through fellatio, but this soon ends, followed by a further initiation testing bravery, and then the 'men' marry. A man who continues to indulge is despised as 'rubbish man'.


Some native Americans have a tradition of berdache where a boy can choose to live as a woman, which denies him male activities and privileges. He essentially changes his identity to be a woman, our modern day transsexual, transgender. That reconciles the boy's gender dysphoria if he indeed wants to self-express as a woman. But there was never any 'gay lifestyle' until the 19th c. Hunter-gatherer fathers were always there and intuitively saw that bonding occurs, then the boy's initiation into manhood. Before 'gay is good', 1% of men identified as homosexual more or less across cultures, but capitalism seems to be especially good at producing bad parents. Homosexuality is a lacking of bonding with males—in infancy with the father, in adulthood with male peers. The mistake is to sexualize your connection to males, to see submission in sex, denial of your own self, your own masculinity as a sick substitute for genuine brotherhood.


Gaylib has its roots in politics: WWI&II and 1950s McCarthyism. That mini-pogrom (no one was burned at the stake, just fired from teaching jobs), combined with the '60s free love movement made an explosive combination, resulting in the birth of gay liberation, a movement unprecedented in human history, putting homosexuality on a par in society, equal to normal sexuality. This made what throughout history was considered a perversion to be suppressed in the interests of social harmony into an integral, healthy part of human society, indeed, earnest (homosexual) 'scientists' try to 'prove' it's healthy by show it occurs throughout nature.


A half century later we can witness the effect of this startling break with tradition. We are living out a real-life social experiment. Supporting gaylib is feminism, their common aim being to promote a softer gender fluidity, where male and female blend in a less male-dominated social order, no longer patriarchal with the male on top and female and gays underneath. as well as a large public presence of gays in media and politics, where laws have been passed requiring respect for gay 'rights' like marriage. Bakers are forced to make wedding cakes with gay decorations, even a transwoman sued a cosmetologist for not depilating his/her/their pubic hair, and troubled boys are allowed to use the girls' room. Social life has never been more tense and dysfunctional. The public response has been the rise of populist Trump with the promise to end at least the worst manifestations of this. It looks like the experiment has run out of steam.


Gaylibbers claim an increase in gay-identified males, supposedly now 7.3%, where as in the bad old days it was 1%. The collective West is becoming more gay each year! But this is a cause for alarm, not celebration. At the same time there has been a sharp increase in autism and schizophrenia, both of which are associated with higher incidents of homosexuality. And it's fed by neoliberalism, which commodifies everything as widgets/ automata to better make profits. What better than isolated individuals contracting for pleasurable (profitable) activities? And if that means more neuroses, that just means more research, better drugs. The market should satisfy all needs if there's competition. That's our creed. That the product is doped, dysfunctional lives, and on a global level, war and environmental collapse is not considered. That is just the way of the world. It's in our genes.


No. NO! We have to start at the start. The lack of bonding at the crucial early age of separation from the unconditional (smothering) mother love to the more conditional, but exciting father love, means the boy never feels naturally masculine, still identifying with mommy, preferring the less judgmental (stifling) unconditional love of mommy. And now he is faced with the LGBTQIA agenda to groom new happier gay boys, to frolic with drag queens at public libraries. Add in feminism – the move to make women into men or at least take away any relics of outmoded patriarchy. 


There is a way out. Freud pointed the way, though he warned that there is no real cure for mental dis-ease. You just have to learn to cope with your neurosis, which probably means celibacy. The 20th c was a battlefield of ideas about sex, with hopeful psychoanalytical work in the 1930s-80s to heal the dis-ease, but drowned out by the gaylib movement to normalize the dis-ease. As usual the loud minority often gets its way. As communism fell away as the way to change society for the better, 'human rights' especially homosexuality became the new cause celebre, to provide solace to the latest persecuted minority, along with blacks and women.


Celebrate or heal?


If homosexuals are largely the result of poor parenting, shouldn't they be given help to overcome their dis-ease, rather than encouraged to flaunt it as normal? This was where things stood in the 1930s-80s as the disaffected, persecuted gays, in growing numbers and militant, joined the chorus of 'revolution'. With the legalization of homosexuality, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders erased homosexuality as a disease in 1973, leaving only 'sexual dysphoria', which would be treated by hormones and a sex change, paving the way for the transgender movement. Homosexuality was deemed healthy, as are 'snip and tuck' sex changes.


But the problem didn't just magically go away with magical thinking. Homosexuality can't be compatible with the conscious ego, as it is a symptom of the failure to integrate self-identity as a man, just staying mommy's little boy. Cognitive dissonance for life. The gay-friendly DSM's finesse and gaylib now classify a (troubled) nongay homosexual as the pathology, and the (happy?) gay homosexual as normal. The switch was done without any discussion, debate, but pushed as part of the sexual revolution and 'rights' movement. Now only gay-positive counselors, researchers have authority over treatment, research. Anything smacking of reparative therapy is illegal in Canada, in the 'collective West'.


Just as bad is letting straights legislate on gay matters without real understand. Gay marriage? Why not. Who cares about the church anyway? Gay adoption? Who cares about mothers and fathers? Lots of 'love' will result in happy individuals of whatever sex they like. Now it is impossible to do open research or treatment. Gay was legislated as normal starting in 1969, so all the past work from Freud on, where it is a pathology, is dismissed as bigoted.


Ironically, all attempts to make gay out to be something genetic have failed. So Freud et al were much closer to the truth than the gaylib studies programs, all trying like Ptolemy to prove a patently absurd system to be true. We have lost much time for the homosexuals who are not gay and want to do something about it besides being angry and helpless.



Google only condemns any reparative treatement. The crude, forced reparative practice by Evangelicals in the US is cited. Of course it is wrong to try to force someone to do anything, especially if it touches his inner being. Where there's a will there's a way. Reparative treatement began in the 1930s. Stats showing positive success rates were encouraging. Good researchers continued to improve on Freud, the keystone being the son-father bonding at age 2-3. Aesthetic altruism was successful under Siegel in New York city.


Smoking/ alcohol are 'good'?


We all agree that chain smoking and alcoholism are really bad, that when they take over your life, you are an addict and need help. Homosexuality was given a clean bill of health in the 'collective West' in 1973 based on no evidence at all, despite lots of evidence that it was destructive to individuals, their family/ friends, and was frowned up, indeed illegal, around the world. For those who still think of it as a dis-ease, a disability, a comparison with alcohol (or narcotic) is instructive.


Addictive personality disorder:

*act on impulses and cannot deal with delayed gratification,

*believe that they do not fit into societal norms so rebel,

*overly sensitive to emotional stress,

*low self-esteem, low tolerance for stress causes frequent mood swings and depression.

*coping mechanism deals with their conflicting personality, providing (temporary) relief.


Homosexuality checks off all those boxes. Like alcoholics, you can recover. It's very hard for both. About 5% of Americans are alcoholics and 1/3 recover. We celebrate those who recover. Now 5+% of Americans are self-identified as 'gay' and 1/3 can recover if society lets This statistical similarity with alcoholism makes sense as these two 'sins' both arise out of dysfunctional families and provide the same (destructive) escape. After you've been an alcoholic, you are never really whole, but at least you are alive and part of society without being a burden or danger to yourself. Ditto for gays. The parallel is stark. Alcoholism is rife among gays (25% vs 5% in society), i.e., they have high co-morbidity. We talk about addictive personalities, even a physical weakness to 'substance abuse'. It is politicly incorrect to make the parallel with homosexuality. It is an addiction by any other name, with extremists having anonymous assignations every day, multiple times, as long as they live. Is that any better/ worse/ different than the alcoholic drinking a bottle of whisky every day? Homosexuality is an addiction with much the same outcome for society and the individual as 'substance abuse'.


Some gays are quite happy with their half life, just as many alcoholics manage to survive without recognizing their illness, but which nonetheless continues to destroy them physically, corrupts them inside, harms their family, often producing sons who are alcoholic or gay or both.vii Reprogramming the human brain is hard work (try learning Chinese or Arabic as an adult), but 'poor success' doesn't mean 'impossible'. Success is based on the client's choice to grow in male identity. He will trust he possesses all the maleness he needs, no need to look outside himself toward other males. His mantra: I am a latent heterosexual.


The trouble with trying to construct a positive, non-addictive homosexuality is that once you see your fixation as a product of damaged, arrested development, the magic of your sexualized fantasies of men fades, loses its magic, and you are on the road to celibacy or, if you really want it, a natural attraction to women.


Good reparative therapy – Not 'pray away'


Think of Stonewall as the Reformation, The Joy of Gay Sex, Masters and Johnson – the Bible and prophets, newly scene without all the Catholic gobbledy-gook. Gaylib and feminism our Luther and Calvin, marching arm-in-arm. The agenda includes the Protestant Ethic, which just happens to fit capitalism as an ideology of the individual, now in direct communion with God.

Key is to establish that 'gay' is a genetic thing, you know, 'science', 'proof' that gays deserve the same rights as straights (e.g., marriage, children). Those that reject this New World Order look to reparative treatment if a son decides he's gay, but it only works if initiated by the unhappy gay himself. A strong religious belief is as important as the son-father bonding, which makes sense if the son here is bonding with the Father, i.e., God. It doesn't usually work for teens (there are always exceptions, we are human, our brain is elastic, parents can be supportive). Most success is in the 20s-30s, when you are mature enough to have the patience and seriousness to pursue this quest for manhood. Preliminary treatment goals include growth in self-acceptance and alleviation of excessive guilt. (There is guilt and guilt.)


Nicolosi helps the patient move past his conscious or unconscious mother fixation (bad patriarchy, mother conspiring with baby against world) and bond with the world of men through transference to the therapist (or strong hetero friend) and incorporating love for the father (good patriarchy where the baby is autonomous, in equal relations with others).


Growing out of the false self of the compliant 'good little boy' is the goal, strengthening the ego, letting the self be more assertive. Defensive detachment in homosexuals creates resistance to making friends with ordinary mysterious (to him) males, and must be recognized and overcome. Therapy is not a cure in the sense of erasing all homosexual feelings. It first aims to improve a man's way of relating to other men and strengthen masculine identification. That alone is valuable and creates conditions for better relations with women. This is very hard to do now, as society works against this. I'm ok, you're ok. Stop whining, enjoy being gay. The monstrosity of promoting what all societies through history, and today outside the West, have condemned as socially harmful, sinful, is unacknowledged.


Kuhnian paradigm shift?


All the well-meaning research, sincerely trying to help homosexuals with their tortured half lives, didn't fit the new paradigm. But was the old paradigm wrong? Not everyone was/ is enthusiastic about the Reformation. Is the new paradigm able to explain the complexity of human sexual formation better? Hardly. The shift to the gaylib paradigm was also the heyday of behaviorism which sees man as programmable, sex as The Pleasure Bond, positive reinforcement, anything goes. Having lived out this nirvana, I only understood the travesty of all this in my old age. Gay sex is not really sex at all, just two bodies rubbing against each other, empty calories, like alcohol. It feels good for a few minutes, like aa swig of whisky or a hit of heroin, but it is spiritually and physically destructive. Could the present insanity of permanent war everywhere, AI doing our thinking for us, have something to do with this fundamental disconnect with our souls? With gaylib? Feminism?


Gaylib reached its zenith in the 1970s. Soon followed by AIDS and other STDs in full bloom. Yes, drugs to 'cure' symptoms, but the dis-ease continues, and the gay plague was surely a warning as stark as Sodom and Gomorrah. Only Islam stands clearly for traditional morality. It doesn't recognize homosexuality, certainly as a lifestyle. But that's exactly what choosing to be gay means. The joy of gay sex proudly states that gays represent hedonism in its most extreme form.


Nowhere in gaydom is celibacy considered as an optional 'lifestyle', but that's exactly what many (most?) homosexuals choose as the healthiest both for themselves and society. It gives hope to a man of transcending what he sees as a sordid compromise which debases him, poisons his relations with heteros and society at large. And just like AIDS, the rot seeps into the hetero world. The gay lifestyle transcends gaydom, as, since the swinging '60s, many curious heteros experiment with gay/ bi orgies, mate-swapping, lives centered around promiscuous sex, i.e., the gay lifestyle. Few gays escape their prison without a firm religious faith, but like alcoholics who take the pledge, they are welcomed.


Who turns you on is not you. In fact, who turns you on is a desperate attraction to what you lack (e.g., self confidence, aggression, ease at sexual arousal). A faux reenactment of the son-father bonding, an attempt to heal your childhood wound. (In healthy sex, the man finds what he lacks in the woman and vice versa, i.e., aesthetic realism's union of opposites). Treat the wound with medicine, healing. Like a festering wound, if you just ignore it, it always hurts, destroys your well being. Genuine reparative therapy brings all this to the surface and aims to restore a sense of one's manhood.


It is the opposite of Gay Affirmative Therapy (GAT), which sees 'coming out' as the defining moment, or rather moments, as in 'born again', celebration, a celebration needing constant reaffirmation in gay pride marches, months, trans days, etc, acting out publicly, to convince you/me it is right. 'Abandon all hope ye who enter here.' You abandon the dominant hetero culture for the gay subculture/ ghetto. Accepting sex as primarily recreational seeks to finesse the alienation not only from society but from the deepest and most genuine self, merely reinforcing the original childhood response of defensive detachment, now in disconnection from others and your deeper self. It aims to distract, to 'move on' not by healing but by accepting your wound as sweet-smelling, natural, dressing it up in androgynous colors.


It claims to promote growth in self-esteem by reducing internalized homophobia, the same benefits, ironically, as in reparative therapy, but from the opposite direction. It seeks to overcome self-hate (gaylib's 'internalized homophobia'). Refusing the gay lifestyle, nonacceptance of homosexuality as a healthy way of life, is valid, and the pursuit of change is valid, ending self-hate.


Eroticize males or deeroticize males? Gay lifestyle (sex, drugs, rock 'n roll) or transcending it? If and when GAT works, it's not because it heals but by affirming same-sex bonding that is consciously not pathologized with unconscious demands, more friendship that sex. i.e., learning to live with your disability without the childhood baggage. Cope. Freud's 'ordinary unhappiness'.


Gaylib sees reparative therapy as heightening a man's sense of guilt and low self-esteem, enthusiastically supported by msm, which condemns the bad 'pray away' version of healing, as if all reparative therapy is forced. A strident gaylib watchdog is needed to protect the new (rickety, unsupported) sexual paradigm. To persuade someone that he will make a workable adjustment to society and himself by lowering his sights and settling for something that he inwardly despises (homosexuality) is not the answer.viii Mature identity requires more than blaming the outside world and just nursing, cherishing your wound as something good, rather than trying to heal it.


The wound, and the dysfunctional lifestyle which rejecting your manhood entails, is no cure. The fallout of gaylib-feminism is ongoing. The epidemic of transgender should be a warning sign that things sexual are out of wack, but neoliberalism just invents new cures – testosterone for girls, estrogen for boys, scalpel for both. Quietly, or rather due to media blackout, now a virtual Inquisition banning attempts to help unhappy gays become men. Even as Christine Jorgensen became the posterchild for 'transwomen' (men who become mommies-without-penises thereby putting paid to any confusiing psychic wounds), psychoanalysts such as Socarides, Joseph Nicolosiix and Siegel set out the path for men who wish to reclaim their manhood and live as close to normal lives as possible.


A relief from the constant anxiety of scoring, the pursuit of dangerous, unsatisfying, empty sex, whether anonymous or in a promiscuous partnership with another wounded veteran. And which is always self-abasing. For many, it can mean fostering normal attraction to a non-smothering woman, but it means first a break with the son-mother neurotic attachment, and work to bond with hetero males, without the clingy dependence and self-abasement of a faux sexual attachment with a man filling in for a remote or absent father.


Holocausts, book burnings


Siegel's brave successes almost destroyed Aesthetic Realism. After he died his work as literary critic continues, but as gaylib took hold, its application to reparative therapy was attacked as homophobic, and, in a spirit of pragmatic realism forced Siegel's followers to purge all mention of his reparative therapy from his site, with a disclaim not even daring to mention the H word:

The new paradigm comes complete with an Inquisition. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.x


Nicolosi was hounded and is dismissed at Wikipedia. His book is not in the Toronto Public Library, which, like all libraries is a gay haunt ruled by political correctness,xi always removing such books or just refusing to buy them. Fortunately I have a University of Toronto library card, and universities still have an ethos of scholarly breadth and was able to find both works buried deep in the stacks. Both, or equivalents, should be available to all prospective parents so they can be mindful of the son's character formation and ensure a healthy son-father bond. Consigning a boy to a life as a homosexual is giving him only half a life, with no real family, no normal male friends, doomed to die young, unless he can build a life based on the intellect or the arts, where psychic wounds can be used creatively, taking the place of genuine love and family.


Perhaps that's the reason 'God made homosexuals' or just 'there are homosexuals' – as a toxin, like snake poison that has medicinal value if used wisely. Automatically thinking contrarily, distrusting conventional wisdom, always suspicious, cynical. Stimulating for social change but debilitating as a way of life, and too much is toxic.


Homophilic straight actor James Franco's 'gay in my art and straight in my life.' It is in the arts (and sciences) that homosexuals have made their greatest contribution. Their family is society at large, their offspring – literature, painting, music ... The same argument goes for Jews. Thomas Mann concluded much the same for a Nietzsche or Dostoyevsky [where] something comes out in illness that is more important and conductive to life and growth than any medical guaranteed health or sanity... in other words: certain conquests made by the soul and the mind are impossible without disease, madness, crime of the spirit. No illness is 'good' but 'good' can come out of illness, and can/ should be celebrated. But as a lifestyle? Nah. Mann stayed firmly in the closet. We're back to 'love the sinner not the sin.'


AIDS was quickly labelled the gay plague, which it clearly was, spread by promiscuous gays, but then this was considered homophobic, much like any criticism of Israel's genocide of Palestinians was/ is called anti-semitic. The irony being that in both 'holocausts', gays and Jews were very much the cause, by remaining outsiders, doing anti-social things, and seen as a threat to normal society.xii


Jews and gays have rights only as humans, not some self-styled identity which the rest must abide by. As for gays, they have to recognize their dis-ease, its etiology, and how to heal the wound as much as is possible. Marx would agree. He saw both Jews and homosexuals as pathological, social ills to be healed,xiii For Marx, socialism/ communism will bring an end to Jews and gays as stereotypes. Until then, both should be aware of their lack of innocence in their social dis-ease, and act accordingly. No need for either homophilia or Judeophilia.


Communism supposedly comes with the withering away of the state. I suppose in the social sphere, for cultural Marxists that means via the withering away of hetero family/ normal heterosex. I hope that sounds farcical. Communism would strengthen healthy families, normal son-father bonding, and eliminating the cause of gender confusion. We do not require the gaylib-feminist dictatorship we have now, which is like the 'dictatorship of the proletariat' of the Soviet Union in its willful determination to force a new world paradigm on an unknowing people. Our Kuhnian paradigm shift indeed has shades of 1917 as a new paradigm that was still an abstract theory, with no proof, no precedent, and resulted in a tyranny that produced great harm, despite its good intentions, and was eventually abandon.


Russia, Hungary and other ex-socialist countries returned to the West's (soulless) capitalism even as the West was embracing (soulless) identity politics, ironically an outgrowth of the communist theories, 'cultural Marxism'. Marx would be appalled. He had no time for the homosexuals who gravitated to radical politics, looking for acceptance. He recognized homosexuality as a perversion, presumably a product of a bad society, and ending with the revolution. He would have been a big fan of reparative therapy today.


That's where we're stuck now. The scaffolding propping up the dictatorship is flimsy, but we can't wait for it to fall. We have to keep building the future. Every homosexual who makes it to a semblance of manhood is a victory against our toxic neoliberal society.


We seem to be stuck with gaylib-feminism for the near future, until a broader collapse of western 'civilization' comes. Sadly, Russia is now persecuting gays, and forced reparative therapy is attempted (as it still is in the US for pedophiles), with the same dismal results. This is sad. At least in the past, before computers, cellphones, surveillance, it was easier to be a marginal in any repressive society, but where cruising is now so easily monitored, the gay prison will be unbearable, and without good parenting, Russian society will continue to produce and persecute this psychic wound.


While reform Christianity and Judaism accept, indeed celebrate the gay lifestyle, the sacred union of man and woman to raise a family is still firmly part of Islam and Orthodoxy. 'Love the sinner not the sin.' Is this bigotry or is there a fundamental truth in Sodom and Gomorrah, perhaps the most arresting, troubling Biblical (and Quranic) myth?


iSigmund Freud, On narcissism: an introduction.standard edition 14:73-102.

ii Ellen Reiss ed, The aesthetic realism of Eli Siegel and the change from homosexuality, 1986.

iii Lawrence Hatterer, Changing homosexuality in the male, 1970.
Joseph Nicolosi, Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality, 1997 [1991].
Ellen Reiss ed, The aesthetic realism of Eli Siegel and the change from homosexuality, 1986.

iv Although Pope Francis now blesses 'same sex unions'.

vThere are boys who are effeminate and even want to be a girl, but this is a small proportion of those troubled boys who.become fixated on other males.

viAs most reparative therapy is unintegrated into the hostile public sphere, stats are from individual therapists, who vary widely in treatments and talent. No psychotherapist guarantees a cure. Success is measured in small steps, much like AA. Indeed, many homosexuals include AA as part of their therapy.

viiAlcoholism plays an outsized role in a homosexual's family and himself.

viiiWilliam Aaron, straight (1972), 13.

ixJoseph Nicolosi, Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality, 1997 [1991].

xHamlet, Act III, Scene II.

xiTo their credit, my local branch (Lillian Smith) allowed a critic of transgenderism to speak despite loud condemnation, and was early to refuse to book the drag queen story telling in the basement on Saturdays. However gay pride month is celebrated more than Christmas, and all the latest positive gay-related literature is available.

xii Gaylib for men troubled by their isolation from others is like Zionism and Israel for Jews.

*An extreme ideology of race ('born this way'), now materialized as an exclusivist ideology,

*Self-styled superiority above the humdrum (hetero-goy) world, with their own holocausts ('lavender scare and AIDS, WWII),

*They demand that all these troubled men declare their love of their dis-ease, live in a (virtual) ghetto-state, celebrate their isolation from humanity.

*All non-'gays' must salute them at gay pride marches (goys must celebrate and fund the Jewish genocide of Palestinians).

*Laws censor any criticism (homophobia, anti-semitism).

The parallel with Judaism is stark. Jews built up an image of innocent victimhood through history, culminating in the holocaust. Now the Jew is lauded, almost worshipped, for his smarts and wealth, supposedly confirming their racial superiority inherent in Judaism. Criticism of Jews, Judaism is verbotten. Ditto gays with their own victimhood culminating in the 1950s 'lavender scare'. Now the gay is lauded. Any criticism is homophobia and is outlawed.

xiiiMarx and Engels dismissed homosexuals as clownish, pathetic. Gaylib looks to Trotksy, the suave womanizer, whose followers became the neoliberals of today, and who included gay political activists and culminated in today's gay politics.

See also Essays on Gaylib and Feminism ebook by Eric Walberg