When will Russia pull the plug on Israel in Syria and Lebanon? Putin learned the hard way with its attempt to talk sense to the US. Will he have to wait to be shafted by the other half of US-Israel?
I'm on at 4:20
When will Russia pull the plug on Israel in Syria and Lebanon? Putin learned the hard way with its attempt to talk sense to the US. Will he have to wait to be shafted by the other half of US-Israel?
I'm on at 4:20
Hostages are spoiled goods. Just move on.
Try telling that to the mother of Hersh Goldberg, who lost his arm to a grenade and was miraculous still alive after 11 months. And the story's only beginning in the West Bank. I'm on at 3:45.
We are all hostages to US-Israel
The crazies get loser and closer to destroying the jewel of al-Quds.
with John Stepling. I'm on first.
with Rameen Mazahari in Chicago with the demonstrators. i'm on at 3:10.
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