Peace and Socialism

Jerusalem's hard-fought liberation, now in process, is a recapitulation of the Christian Crusades of the 11th—13th cc, this time, not by the knight on a white horse of legend, but through the long march of guerilla warfare by the much maligned Shia. This follows on the liberation of Iran from its Judeo-Christian yoke in 1979 and Iraq 25 years later, ironically by the US, forming the second Shia majority state. But it is the Shia minority of Lebanon that holds the keys to Jerusalem. Their 40% of the Lebanese population punches well above their weight in a fractious country split among Christians, and Sunni and Shia Muslims.

The history of our Story

Firing the first shots: Honduras and odious debt

Out of control, permanent crisis, role of government

клин клином or Make love not war

Exercise: rethink the Story, demonetize

What you can do

Cold ugly cynicism or warm beautiful passion

Scarcity <=> private property

Prophets Paine, George, Gesell

Money – corpse of commons

Interest – the poison apple

Money vs the gift

Sacred Economics 100

Deconstructing the Story of Self/ the World

Life without prisons

Marx's 'death knell' of capitalism, revolution, was the first answer to capitalism's ills, after which the state would wither away, and we would live in a utopian bliss. The 20th c put paid to that vision, as revolution, as most revolutions do, disappointed, mostly unravelled, and predatory capitalism took hold again. Are we stuck with a system that's quickly leading us to the cliff edge with seemingly no turning back?


Happily, no, and happily no need for messy revolution,

With Norwegian John Steppling. I'm on at 4:30.

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Eric's latest book The Canada Israel Nexus is available here

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Canadian Eric Walberg is known worldwide as a journalist specializing in the Middle East, Central Asia and Russia. A graduate of University of Toronto and Cambridge in economics, he has been writing on East-West relations since the 1980s.

He has lived in both the Soviet Union and Russia, and then Uzbekistan, as a UN adviser, writer, translator and lecturer. Presently a writer for the foremost Cairo newspaper, Al Ahram, he is also a regular contributor to Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Global Research, Al-Jazeerah and Turkish Weekly, and is a commentator on Voice of the Cape radio.

Purchase Eric Walberg's Books

Eric's latest book The Canada Israel Nexus is available here